Welcome to The Be a PA Community

The Place for Future PAs to Connect

Wish there was a place where other aspiring PAs were just as curious as you? You've found it. 

We bring together future physician assistants to work smarter and more efficiently as a result of hearing the stories, experiences, and ideas of people on the same path, so that we can:

  • Better understand a holistic picture of the profession
  • Clarify our unique, individual plans
  • Build a foundation that grows as we do so that we can serve patients well

Preparing for a career as a PA, or even just starting to explore the profession, can be a lonely business.

Sure, there's plenty of resources out there, but deciding what's right for you and getting answers to your un-Googleable questions takes more than an anonymous message board.

The support you're looking for can come only through making connections — real connections that allow others to truly understand where you're coming from & where you want to go. Instead of receiving blanket, all-comers advice, you can get personal, thoughtful feedback from those traveling the same path. From people who support you & are just as excited as you are about the future.

Who "we" are

Hi, I'm Ryanne! 

I'm the creator of Be a Physician Assistant & a PA practicing in hospital medicine. Back when I was preparing for a PA career, I felt all alone.
I didn't know anyone working toward the same goal. I cobbled together a haphazard plan, made it through, and eventually found my community once I was a practicing PA.

But, despite the increased availability of resources over the years (and creating many on my own) I have continued to encounter aspiring PAs who are challenged exactly the same way I was. Even though online forums have become popular. And message boards are now available. And many, many PAs are accessible on social media. Aspiring PAs still often feel alone in the process —especially non-traditional students.

So, we're working to build a community of future PAs focused on connection and conversation. One that will allow you to hear the stories of others while they get to know you, too, so you can get the support you need and build more genuine connections with those traveling a similar path. 

So, when I say "we," I do it because we're building this together.

Consistent support for the ups & downs, ins & outs.

Here's what you can expect to find in the community:

  • Monthly discussion topics that evolve with you as you learn new things, gain more experience, & face new obstacles as a pre-PA, PA student, & early career PA. Coming up: 
    • Finding Your PA Niche
    • The Certification (& Recertification) Needed in the PA Career
    • Searching for Your First PA Job
  • Vulnerable conversations on questioning one's path, dealing with disappointment, and "making amends" for past academic and personal missteps
  • Regular "Hot Seat" Coaching Calls where I guide a member through an obstacle they're facing
  • Celebrations of each other's wins like landing a patient care job, getting your first PA school interview invite, finding "the" specialty for you as a PA student, or passing your boards and becoming a real-life PA

If you're a fit for the community, we want you here, no matter what.

My goal is for all members to be invested in developing a strong, supportive community. If you'd absolutely love to be a part of what we're working to grow into a rich, vibrant community of future PAs, we want you!

So, if you need one to access the premium community features, free and reduced-cost Community-Plus memberships are available. Members are eligible to apply after two months of community participation. And to support greater inclusivity in the PA field (and in our community) half of these scholarships will be committed to future PAs who identify as a member of a group that is underrepresented in medicine or in the PA profession.

Ready to join a true community of peers?

Join us in The Be a PA Community to meet amazing future physician assistants just like you who are successfully developing & growing their own future-PA path.